Wednesday, December 8, 2010

About Datting and Realationships (just be Friends)

So, Lately I had Been Working third Shift, and When Lines Go down  I would Have To Sweep, Which Gave Me A Lot of time to think, and a Lot of Time alone with my thoughts and with God. Just over the course of the past Month or so I’ve Learned One Major thing. Never  underestimate How Great it can to to Just be Friends With Someone even if you have a thing  for them.
Okay So I guess this Needs a bit of Explaining. I Used To Be really Preoccupied with with having a Significant other In my Life, and Occasionally very rarely I get stupid and get preoccupied with that again. More Recently However God’s been showing me the Beauty of simple Friendships, and How Wonderful and Deep those Can be. I Watch People Jump into and out of “relationships” all the time, is and All I see them do is ruin something that could have potentialy amazing friendship that developed . So as Far as  can See dating in the traditional sense is Highly overrated. The Best way I can See it now is Let to let things just start out as Friendship, Let that friendship grow and Develop into and even stronger deeper friendship, And if Its met to be and if it turns into a Romantic relationship, awesome. the Relationship will be so much stronger, deeper, closer and better. If that Doesn’t happen, You Still have a Good Friend. Also with doing things this way, if the romantic part of the relationship ends, the chances of the Friendship lasting, are way better. I think This is the way God planned these things for us.
I’m not Just Busting out Crap Here, I’ve seen it happen and Work. I hey My Cousin, didn’t meet her Husband In the Traditional way at all (shout out to Chrysti and Leon) I never met Leon before their wedding, but seeing them together, and Talking to the two of them  for Just a few minutes it made it quite obvious that they had something Unique and very special.
So What about me? Even though there may be someone I have an Interest in, I’m not gonna tell her a thing about it (okay maybe that sentence should have been left out but nah) I’m Going to Enjoy The Amazing Friendship  that I have, and if it ever delevops into something more cool, but if not (which may be more likely) I still will have that awesome friendship, Which I am Eternally Grateful for. Some how I know that doing things this way will have so much more blessing in store for me. I’ve Already been so Blessed by it. Can’t Wait to see is What More is to come. :)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I was really close friends with several guys during my single days. I did fall in love more than once (that I sort of regret) but I only ever "dated" one individual and I'm married to him now. I think you're on the right track. Friendship is essential and dating is over-rated (and dangerous). Also, I've heard it said before that dating in a way trains people for divorce.
